Interviews and podcasts with David Mason

David Mason sitting on rock in stream bed

Read these conversations

Returning to the sea: A conversation with David Mason
by Audrey Fong (Red Hen Press)
18 August 2022

At Home in the Strangeness: David Mason on the Pacific Light beneath the Southern Cross
with Kathryn Winograd for The Colorado Poet, Issue #34
winter 2022

The Poet Immigrant
with Rayne Allinson for FortySouth Tasmania
19 May 2021

The Molotov Cocktail of the Imagination: David Mason on the Power of Poetry
with Leath Tonino for The Sun Magazine
April 2015

Colorado Poet Laureate David Mason’s four-year road trip: Bringing poetry to an entire state, one county at a time
by Leath Tonino for High Country News
23 September 2013


View these videos

an interview with Rattle’s Timothy Green
27 October 2021

And listen to these podcasts

The imagination is free and so is this lecture
English Professor Dave Mason gives a hypothetical ‘last lecture’ on the Colorada College’s Soundcloud account
3 March 2020

Finding renewal in poetry with US writer David Mason
with Claire Nichols on the ABC Radio National Book Show
18 September 2018

Poetry is a way of being alive and alert to the world in ways that we too often forget, says Professor David Mason
with Dr Andi Horvath on the University of Melbourne, Pursuit podcast
7 November 2018

David Mason’s narrative poem ‘The Country I Remember’
with Dan Gunderson, MPR Archive
26 April 1996