What brought me across the Pacific from America to lutruwita (Tasmania)?

David Mason with bush and sea in backgroundLove brought me here.
I fell in love with Australian poet Cally Conan-Davies when I first read her work. We met. And we’ve been together ever since, first in Colorado where I was Poet Laureate, and then on the Oregon Coast in the American northwest.
But Cally wanted to return with me to her home, Australia’s southernmost state, which most of us call by its indigenous name, lutruwita. Otherwise known as Tasmania.
From 44° N to 43° S.
Where I found a radically different place, a different life – and the profound challenge of writing about the change. Which I first got to grips with in my collection Pacific Light.

David in cursive style

Learn about David and his work

words Pacific Light in front of silhouette of man looking out on water

David shares his daily life as a writer in ‘Pacific Light’, a film by Chrissy Mason and Anna Cadden.

man in wetsuit walking through water

Poet, professor, librettist, essayist, critic. Fisherman, bushman, gardener. Teacher and encourager. Poetry evangelist.

poet writes viewed through window

Read some examples of David Mason’s poems on this site. Or check out the videos to hear him read on Youtube.

book covers

David has written many books in different genres and coedited four books about poetry and poetics.

David with host in video podcast

Sample conversations with David in different media – and hear an engaging lecture.

blended image of a young woman in a sarong on a beach with palm trees and a young man playing a concert grand piano

David has written libretti for four operas and an oratorio and his poems have become lyrics for songs and song cycles.

hand holding pen pauses in writing

As a poet and academic deeply embedded in the realities of life, David has written many essays and reviews.

The reading experience

The lucid, narrative-driven, geographically concrete poems of David Mason are a blast of fresh air.
– Michael Yost in ‘David Mason’s Endless Pilgrimage’, 2023, his review of The Colosseum Critical Introduction to David Mason by Gregory Dowling, Franciscan University Press 2023